When Business and Pleasure Collide With Mark Tackmann

Mark Tackmann, managing partner at Gelman LLP, began his tenure serving the construction industry in 1998. Between his professional life as managing partner, and voluntary role as director of the Orange County CFMA, he says “Do what you love and never work a day in your life.”

Sometimes, the best career moves are logical ones

In college, Mark generally knew he wanted to work in business. He took a handful of business classes, but one stuck out more than the others. “When I finally took an accounting class, something clicked. Having a propensity for logic and numbers, the material made sense and didn’t feel as challenging,” he explains. “I also figured that if I landed in accounting, I could do anything and get a job anywhere. So, I gave public accounting a shot and entered my career at a big firm—but it didn’t last.”

Instead of growing roots at a big-name firm, Mark decided to pursue his career at a smaller one, where camaraderie, collaboration, and teamwork in a tight-knit crew are the norm. “Life at a smaller firm was extremely attractive. There was a unique team aspect to it—we all got to help each other be successful. Even better is that we worked with folks in the construction industry, which I adore. In addition, we get to see what’s going on with our city and country, becoming aware of projects that the rest of the world won’t know for sometimes years down the road.”

Take the edge off

Even before Mark officially joined the Orange County CFMA chapter, he was familiar with the organization. “I joined the OCCFMA in 2007, but even before that, my company (Gelman) would show up to its events, like the golf tournament, boat cruise, and others. At my first golf tournament in 2007, I was paired with three random people. We were all “single” because we didn’t have golf partners, so we ended up in a group of strangers. Fast forward to now, our group still gets together to share business and tell stories,” Mark explains.

After over a decade of general membership, Mark stepped in as board director, which he considers a professional legacy. “Another Gelman team member served on the board of directors before me, so when they resigned, I stepped in as a way to continue the Gelman name within OCCFMA leadership,” he says. “What I love most about this community is that despite many of us being competitors in the professional marketplace, we still help each other out and give regular referrals. A month doesn’t go by where I don’t reach out to someone within our chapter to help a client or gather information.”

Not our world, but theirs

One of the most significant benefits of being part of an organization with different membership types (and, therefore, a diverse membership base) is seeing firsthand what their professional world is like. “Being part of CFMA equips me to serve my clients better. Getting to know the daily life of a construction owner or financial manager reminds me that so much about what they do isn’t about my own world—debits and credits. It’s about operations. I often consider, ‘how does operation impact debits and credits, and vice versa?’

For Mark, there are times when helping someone looks like vocalizing the benefits of CFMA. “We’re constantly evaluating which events we should host, how often, and ways to increase membership. I wholeheartedly believe that if we can get people to events and help them make a few connections—which they will right away—it’s game over. We always have a good time, and the friendships are lifelong,” Mark says. “If it’s your first event, we’ll cover it! We see the benefit and are willing to offer this perk so that more people in construction finance can discover the same fulfillment members have.”

Understanding, and overcoming, the hesitation

Working professionals know the woes of busy schedules. Between managing their career, friends, and families, adding another “task” to your life can feel daunting. “At first, I was hesitant. I thought that adding more things to do in my already busy life wasn’t possible. But since joining, I’ve never felt that way. In fact, it feels like a well-earned break since I get to have lunch and enjoy other outings with everyone.”

CFMA has a couple of membership types, which you can learn more about by visiting our website

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